The EdTech Endeavour Continues


A new year is upon us and with the new year comes another opportunity to learn and grow in my EdTech skills. Online learning has quickly become my favourite way to gain knowledge. It’s accessible, cost effective, and not to mention convenient… considering I can stay at home when it’s minus forty-five outside. The benefits of taking online classes are endless, especially because they “give students the opportunity to plan study time around the rest of their day, instead of the other way around” according to OED’s list of advantages to taking online courses. Since I am taking a Master’s Certificate in Educational Technology and Media with the University of Regina, I have many online classes ahead of me, and for that, I am grateful.

The class I am taking this semester, #ECI832, focuses on Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy. I have some knowledge about Digital Citizenship, but Media Literacy is brand new to me. I am not only looking forward to learning more about these topics through presentations and articles, but also through conversations and blog posts from my fellow #ECI832 classmates- my new learning community. That brings us to another advantage of online learning… the connections we are able to make with others. I love having the chance to read, comment, and discuss important EdTech topics through out the week with the people in my class through blogging and Twitter. They encourage me, challenge me, and motivate me.

I feel relieved that I am not on this journey alone. I am glad that there are people (virtually) beside me who are dedicated to learning online and are willing to share their learning experiences with me in an authentic and honest way. So thank you in advance, #ECI832, for your willingness to share, connect, and inspire in our upcoming endeavour. Let’s do this!

P.S. For those of you who are new here, you can check out how this blog came to be with my very first blog post last semester.


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